AAS Candidate Statements for 2024-2025 Senators

The students below have announced their candidacies for these elections. All candidates are listed by position, then alphabetically by last name. If the statements end in ellipses, it is because they have been cut off to fit the 100-word limit.

Class of 2028 (15 candidates, 8 seats):

Cameron Aryanpour

In the beginning there was darkness. Then there was light (Cameron Aryanpour). Sup! My name is Cameron. I live in Pratt 338, door is always open if you wanna say hi.

Some background: I served class president all four years in highschool. I’m on varsity swim. My favorite ice cream flavor is mint chip.

Ideas: More community, more socials, more raves, more shenanigans

I WILL SACRIFICE every moment for this class. I WILL FIGHT whatever stands in the way of your issues. IT’S A PRIVILEGE for me to have an opportunity to serve this class. Love you all.

– Cameron

Alessandro Beltramo

Hi, my name is Sandro and I’m doing my best not to make any lifelong enemies three weeks into my Amherst career. In that time, all the awesome people I’ve met have given me many ideas for further strengthening our community. Both my stint as a Starbucks barista (still recovering from that one) and my unimpressively rudimentary knowledge of Western philosophy mean I’m an empathetic listener for whatever grievances you’d like to air — and, as freshman senator, I’ll use your feedback to enact change on campus. I’d appreciate your vote. Or, if you’ve read Spinoza’s Ethics, hit me up. Statement over.

Alex Coiov

Pause! Picture this: a lively speed dating round to shed pre-midterm stress, followed by the glam Masquerade Ball. Or choosing a no-breakfast meal plan and getting more than $100 back. As a low-income, queer international student, I’m committed to advocating for these policies and empowering our Mammoth collective as an undivided whole. I pledge equitable funding and will use the AAS as a bully pulpit to — besides hating on Williams — amplify our community’s pluralistic voices, supporting student-led initiatives like Tandem Bagels and pushing for transparency via TAS op-eds.

Audren Hedges Duroy

Hi everyone! My name is Audren, and I am eager to run as one of your first-year senators! I’ve always loved taking part in student government; it’s a way to bring us together. I believe honesty, listening, and trust are integral to a thriving community. As your representative, I will be committed to hearing and amplifying your voices and ideas. I aim to promote inclusivity through a diversity of programs and events bringing people of all backgrounds together and having fun while doing so. Remember, you don’t need a PhD to vote for APHD!

Jiahuai Kang

"Pool table in James. More washing machines in Williston and North and in general. Thicker toilet paper. Renowned street poet and record producer DJ Khaled once said, “Together we are stronger.” Khaled also said, “I want to appeal to everyone. Because I’m not saying I’m the best, but we the best.” We the best."

Ben Kasen

Hi! My name is Ben Kasen, and I’m running to represent you as a freshman senator! I am running for senate because I believe in the power of democracy and advocacy. Every student deserves a voice and representation, and I want to help foster a space where that is encouraged. I have also seen that Amherst is a spectacular place, and I want to do everything I can to bring this wonderful, diverse community together. As an athlete on the cross country and track teams, I will strive to bridge the student-athlete divide. Vote for community.

Keason Ky

As you guys may know, I’m Keason Ky (Class of 2028).  I’m an athlete, an even bigger nerd, and with your support, a future student senator.  My main goal is to further unite the student body and to provide additional funding to club events and social houses. As a new student, creating an Amherst community that is welcoming is my top priority.  I also want to have several seasonal events throughout the year.  This Fall I want to have a haunted house for Halloween and outdoor movie screenings on the quad.  Thank you for your time.

Pablo Moreira

Dear Class of 2028, my name is Pablo Moreira, and as a candidate for student government, I’m committed to amplifying student voices and fostering an inclusive campus environment. My goal is to create a stronger connection within the student body and invest time and resources into activities that foster school spirit. I believe Amherst College needs improvement in its social life aspects, and I will do everything possible to change that. Vote for me to make our college a place where everyone thrives and has the opportunity to succeed — but can also have fun, enjoy life, and make memories.

Wyatt Morgan

Hi everyone! My name’s Wyatt, I’m from Fairfield, CT, and I’m thrilled to be running as your senator for the class of 2028! This first month has been exciting for everyone, meeting people from many different backgrounds. However, a flaw I’ve noticed is the lack of social cohesion on campus between different types of people. As a member of the football team, it is my goal to bridge this gap by increasing engagement at ALL student events, creating connections that defy outdated misconceptions. I’m always open to chat, so please reach out via email! Don’t be quiet, vote for Wyatt!

Austin Olima

My name is Austin, and I’m running for Senate because I believe that your voice matters. This election isn’t about me; it’s about us(’28) — our community, our ideas, our potential. We need digital IDs, more events that unite us, equality for all, and transparency in decision-making. We aren't asking for seats at the table anymore. I’m busting in with my people, and making a brand new one. I’m making sure everybody has a plate and we’re eating from each other’s wins! Amherst is a really cool place! But I believe we can make it better!

Joanne Opoku

Hi everyone! I’m Joanne Opoku, excited to be running for the Freshman Senate for the Class of 2028. As Vice President of my Senior Committee, President of my debate team, and VP of my DECA team, I’ve developed skills in representing my class, managing budgets, and communicating with the administration. Vlogging is one of the many ways I plan to amplify our grade’s voice at Amherst, connecting with future, past, and present students. And let’s be honest, I’m the diversity we need! I can’t wait to bring fresh perspectives and make our class stand out.

Armaan Patel


It’s Armaan.

Through AAS, I hope to bring our community of talented students together by hosting extensive social functions year-round. I’d implement strong support systems, develop internal course rating guides, build upon our social awareness groups, all while improving the facilities in all common rooms!

As a Senator, I vow to serve this melting pot of amazing people, where their word becomes my only word. I will pledge my transparency, holding myself accountable to the student body. I hope to function as a mediator for change, who serves only in the interests of all freshman students.


Harrison Rowe

My name is Harrison Rowe and I am excited to be running for student senate. I am originally from Atlanta, Georgia and play for the football team. During my time here, interacting with many different people, I’ve noticed the beauty of our diversity. All of us come from different backgrounds, maintain unique worldviews and can often share conflicting perspectives. Because of this, it can be very easy to judge others for our individual differences. As senator, I will work to promote an environment where respect for others is not just encouraged, but serves as the ethos of our community.  

Lucas Silva

Hi, everyone! I’m Lucas Silva, a freshman from Brazil/Connecticut (yes, a weird combination.) But with student government experience in the U.S. and abroad, I'm confident I'll relate to you as your senator for the class of 2028. With your vote, I’ll rally in favor of a new Amherst Ambassador Program at high schools to increase diversity, to-go boxes at Val, reestablish the TEDxAmherstCollege program, and rent unused summer dorm rooms to store belongings with friends to mitigate that nightmare of move-in day. If we can fit so much in 100 words, imagine what we’ll do in 4 years!

Charles Tufenkji

Hey Class of 2028!! I’m Charles, and while we all strive for progress every day hoping to make our community safer and happier, earning a senate position would allow me to strengthen that progress right here at Amherst. I want to better accessibility to our mental health services on campus, so students don’t have to face the pressure of this tedious process. My experiences both working for a mental counseling helpline and (verbally) fighting my highschool’s board for more support will help me in delivering my senate projects to fruition. So, let’s build the Amherst of our dreams :)