Bub's Player of the Week: Fletcher Ladd '05E
he’s led the team in rushing yards while starting at tailback.
He’s rushed almost 3,000 yards, made touchdowns look like cake,
Ladd’s scored 23 while leaving NESCAC defenses in his wake.
This weekend’s game was no exception, his touchdown won the game,
he also rushed for 175 yards to seal his Amherst fame.
Now he’s rushed more career yards than any other Jeff,
and this season is still so young: six games more are left.
He also broke another record, a 95-yard TD,
and scored almost half of Amherst’s points to win in double OT.
Against Hamilton his play was also typical Ladd-
129 yards rushing and a touchdown, not too bad!
The Jeffs are 2-0, Bub’s wants six more victories,
if Ladd sets a few more records, well-Bub’s wouldn’t be displeased!