Campus Crime Log
1:25 a.m., Mayo-Smith House
An officer responded to a loud party complaint.
3:38 a.m.
A former girlfriend of an Amherst student contacted Campus Police about unwanted correspondence from the student.
April 4, 2002
4:27 p.m., Valentine Hall
A student reported the theft of a Jansport bag from the coatroom outside the dining commons.
6:50 p.m., Hitchcock House
An officer responded to a parking complaint.
April 5, 2002
1:48 a.m., James Hall
An officer responded to a complaint of someone banging on a student’s door.
12:01 p.m., Valentine
An officer investigated a student’s report of a burning odor in the building.
9:14 p.m., James
A smoke detector activated an alarm on the fourth floor for an unknown reason.
April 6, 2002
2:27 a.m., Pond Dormitory
Officers responded to a noise complaint in a second-floor residence.
2:53 a.m., Hamilton House
An officer observed a group of students and a keg outside of Hamilton. Campus Police confiscated the unlicensed keg and fined one student $100.
2:50 a.m., Valentine
A student reported the theft of her bicycle from the main quad. An officer located the bicycle the next day near Valentine.
1:20 p.m., Moore Dormitory
An officer investigated a duress alarm.
2:27 p.m., Hills Parking Lot
A student reported that the side mirror was broken off his car. The investigating officer found another vehicle with similar damage.
9:39 p.m., Stearns Hall
Officers located seven underage students with alcohol.
11:12 p.m., Davis Dormitory
Officers responding to a loud party complaint found an unlicensed keg. Campus Police fined residents $100.
11:59 p.m., Stearns
An officer found a student urinating outside the building. Campus Police fined the student $100 for the offensive behavior.
April 7, 2002
12:42 a.m., James
An officer located a student with alcohol and two pipes apparently used to smoke marijuana. The officer confiscated the items and referred the matter to the dean’s office.
1:10 a.m., Pond
Excessive cigarette smoke activated a fire alarm. Campus Police fined residents $100.
1:22 a.m., Stearns
An officer responded to a disturbance in a third-floor room.
1:30 a.m., Marsh House
A resident of Marsh reported hearing glass breaking. The responding officer found a broken window at the south entrance.
1:31 a.m., Pratt Dormitory
Campus Police dispatched ACEMS and an ambulance to assist an intoxicated student.
2:00 a.m., Social Dorm Quad
Officers responded to a complaint of someone setting off fireworks in the social dorm quad. Officers found one student engaged in the activity. Campus Police fined him $100 for creating an endangering situation. Campus Police received a second complaint at 3:23 a.m. Officers located someone discharging fireworks from a third-floor suite. Campus Police fined residents $100 for discharging the fireworks and $200 for having two unlicensed kegs.
11:40 a.m., Jenkins Dormitory
A custodian reported a safety hazard condition in a room.
3:21 p.m., Mayo-Smith
An officer discovered an unlicensed keg in the basement. Campus Police fined one student $100.
3:52 p.m., Pond
What appeared to be marijuana smoke activated a fire alarm in a first-floor suite. Campus Police fined residents $100.
10:10 p.m., Smith College
Smith College security reported an assault on their campus which involved an Amherst student.
April 8, 2002
5:19 p.m., Freshman Quad
Campus Police dispatched ACEMS to the main quad to assist a student who suffered a sprained ankle.
April 10, 2002
7:45 a.m., Frost Library
A smoke detector activated a fire alarm at Frost Library in a mechanical room for an unknown reason.
April 11, 2002
1:19 a.m., Hitchcock
An officer responded to a loud music complaint. While at the house, an officer confiscated an unlicensed keg. Campus Police fined residents $100.
2:25 a.m.
Officers stopped three students who caused damage to a cruiser.
8:57 p.m., James
Campus Police dispatched ACEMS to assist an ill student.
10:20 p.m., Seeley Mudd
A fifth-floor detector activated a fire alarm at Seeley Mudd for an unknown reason.
10:58 p.m., Pratt Museum
A visitor to the campus reported that another vehicle struck her vehicle while it was parked near Pratt Museum.
11:16 p.m., Mayo-Smith
An officer checking Mayo-Smith found several students carrying an unlicensed keg into the house. Campus Police confiscated the keg and fined residents $100.
April 12, 2002
12:11 a.m., Crossett Dormitory
An officer checking the dorm found a keg in a first-floor suite. The officer confiscated the unlicensed keg and fined the room group $100.
12:53 a.m., Mayo-Smith
An officer checking the area found an unlicensed keg in a first-floor suite.
1:32 a.m., Stearns
An officer responded to a loud noise complaint on the fourth floor which resulted in the confiscation of some alcohol.
3:02 a.m., Hitchcock
An officer checking the area found an unlicensed keg in the basement. The officer found another keg at 12:25 p.m. and fined the residents $200.
5:43 p.m., Cohan Dormitory
A resident reported that several items were found relocated in her room.
11:27 p.m., James
An officer passing through the building confiscated a 30-pack of beer from a student.
9:28 p.m., Milliken Dormitory
An officer extinguished a campfire that was burning too close to the building.
11:49 p.m., Milliken
An officer investigated a duress alarm.
April 13, 2002
3:05 a.m., Mayo-Smith
Officers responded to a loud noise complaint.
3:51 a.m., Porter House
Officers responded to a report of people arguing in the parking lot.
4:51 a.m., Davis
Officers responded to a report of an intoxicated man sleeping in a stairway. They identified him as a visiting debate team member.
3:31 p.m., Garman House
Cooking smoke activated a fire alarm. Campus Police fined one student $100.
7:50 p.m., James
An officer confiscated alcohol from a first-floor room and also recovered a pay telephone which was stolen from Crossett.
8:07 p.m., Stearns
An officer confiscated alcohol from rooms on the second and fourth floors.
9:48 p.m., Hamilton
An officer found an unlicensed keg in a first-floor room. The officer fined the student $100.
10:02 p.m., Valentine
An officer confiscated several bottles of alcohol from a second-floor room.
April 14, 2002
1:56 a.m., Hills Parking Lot
Someone reported the theft of a license plate on a parked vehicle.
2:07 a.m., Crossett
An officer responded to a duress alarm.
2:09 a.m., Plimpton House
Officers responded to a report of an intoxicated student locked in a third-floor bathroom.
2:19 a.m., Keefe Campus Center
ACEMS and officers responded to a report of an unconscious person in the Campus Center.
4:05 a.m., College Street
A passerby reported he saw a woman with what appeared to be a gun at a private residence on College Street.