Campus Crime Log
7:55 p.m., Milliken Dormitory
Campus Police dispatched ACEMS to Milliken to assist an ill student.
February 4, 2002
1:36 a.m., Cohan Dormitory
Campus Police dispatched ACEMS and officers to Cohan to assist an intoxicated student.
5:14 a.m., Mayo Smith House
An officer discovered an unlicensed keg in the basement. Residents were fined $100.
8:29 a.m., Crossett Dormitory
An officer confiscated an unlicensed keg from a bathroom at Crossett and fined one student $100.
11:33 a.m., Life Sciences Building
Food burning in a microwave activated a fire alarm at Life Sciences.
February 5, 2002
10:01 p.m., Marsh House
A fire started in a fireplace activated a fire alarm. Residents were fined $100.
February 6, 2002
4:46 a.m., Cohan
Campus Police dispatched ACEMS to Cohan to assist an ill student.
9:00 p.m., Wolfe Fitness Center
Campus police dispatched an ambulance to assist an ill student.
February 7, 2002
2:26 a.m., Jenkins Dormitory
Campus Police dispatched ACEMS to Jenkins to assist an ill student.
11:58 p.m., Davis Dormitory
Cigarette and marijuana smoke activated a fire alarm at Davis. Residents were fined $100. Officers also found a disconnected smoke detector and fined the resident $100.
February 8, 2002
12:19 a.m., Pond Dormitory
Marijuana smoke activated a fire alarm. Residents were fined $100.
1:13 a.m., Davis
Campus Police dispatched ACEMS to Davis to assist an injured student.
4:36 p.m.
A student reported receiving a harassing email.
4:42 p.m., Converse Hall
Officers responded to a report of someone on the roof of Converse Hall. Officers found a student attempting to retrieve a frisbee.
6:00 p.m., Keefe Campus Center
An employee reported the theft of two dry erase boards.
February 9, 2002
1:21 a.m., Crossett
A resident of Crossett complained about loud music in a first-floor suite.
1:46 a.m., Hitchcock House
A resident of Hitchcock complained about loud people and music in the common room.
3:39 a.m., Humphries House
Campus Police dispatched ACEMS to Humphries to assist an injured student.
10:46 p.m., Social Dorm Quad
An officer stopped a vehicle that was being driven on the sidewalk near the social dorms. The officer confiscated a keg and fined one student $100.
11:08 p.m., Pratt Dormitory
Marijuana smoke activated a fire alarm at Pratt. Residents were fined $100. Officers also found a disconnected smoke detector in a fourth floor room. They fined the two residents of that room $100.
February 10, 2002
1:01 a.m.
A Mount Holyoke College student reported a sexual assault that occurred last semester.
2:10 a.m., James Hall
Campus Police dispatched ACEMS to James to assist an intoxicated student.
2:44 a.m., Pratt
Marijuana smoke activated a fire alarm at Pratt. Residents were fined $100.
3:25 a.m., Stearns Hall
Officers responded to a report of the bells sounding in Stearns steeple. Officers found the door to the steeple forced open and identified one student as being responsible.
12:22 p.m., Keefe Science Library
An officer discovered a large window smashed in the Keefe Library.
3:52 p.m., Moore Dormitory
A closed flue activated a fire alarm at Moore when a student forgot to open it.
5:05 p.m., Moore
An officer investigated a duress alarm at Moore.
6:04 p.m., Drew House
Officers dispatched ACEMS to Drew to assist an ill student.
6:44 p.m., Cohan
Officers dispatched ACEMS to Cohan to assist an ill student.
9:27 p.m., Davis
An officer responded to a complaint of loud music in Davis basement.
February 11, 2002
12:35 a.m., Pond
A discharged dry chemical fire extinguisher activated a fire alarm. Residents were fined $100 for the alarm and $100 for the extinguisher. While in the building, officers confiscated two unlicensed kegs.
4:08 a.m.
A student reported the sound of an animal in her room. An officer responded, but nothing unusual was found.
4:39 a.m.
An employee reported the sound of someone else in a campus building. Officers found a member of the custodial staff.
7:52 a.m., Frost Library
An employee reported graffiti written on a restroom wall on the first floor of Frost Library.
February 12, 2002
1:00 p.m., Barrett Hall
An employee reported a man at Barrett Hall acting in an unusual manner. Officers found and checked on the man.
2:00 p.m., Milliken
A resident at Milliken reported the theft of $300 cash from an unattended wallet.
9:04 p.m., Drew
A student reported a rear tail light on his vehicle was smashed while the car was parked in the Drew lot.
11:59 p.m., Crossett
Officers dispatched ACEMS to Crossett to assist an injured student.
February 13, 2002
2:36 a.m., Hitchcock
Officers responded to a duress alarm at Hitchcock.
7:46 p.m., Tyler House
Officers responded to a duress alarm at Tyler.
7:46 p.m., Tyler House
Officers responded to a duress alarm at Tyler.