Campus Police Log: Nov. 8 to Nov. 14

>>Nov. 11, 2022

9:22 p.m., Gooding Field

ACPD responded to a report of a person sitting in their vehicle and watching a team practice. The person was not known to the caller and was making the team uncomfortable.

>>Nov. 11, 2022

12:33 p.m., Boltwood Avenue

ACPD responded to a report of a suspicious group of college-aged men at the bus stop that had approached a woman. One man had enagaged in a conversation that made the woman uncomfortable.

>>Nov. 11, 2022

2:07 p.m., Humphries House

Community Service responded to a noise compaint. CSOs reported students practicing music. They were asked to lower the volume.

>>Nov. 12, 2022

12:03 a.m., Cadigan Religious Center

ACPD responded to a report of loud voices in the Lycium construction site. The voices were found to be coming from Newport.

>>Nov. 12, 2022

8:05 p.m., Chapman House

ACPD and AFD responded to a fire alarm caused by cooking smoke.

>>Nov. 12, 2022

9:54 p.m., King Hall

Community Safety responded to a noise complaint.

>>Nov. 12, 2022

11:45 p.m., Newport Parking Lot

Community Safety responded to a noise complaint.

>>Nov. 13, 2022

12:29 a.m., Plimpton House

Community Safety responded to a noise complaint of a loud party.