Club Focus
Started by Lara Neel ’01 this year, the KGB is a small group of students with a passion. While it may be commonly considered an antiquated art, knitting can be a calming activity on a stressful night or a mode of creative expression for any student. The club is geared towards instruction, practice, creation and sharing artistic techniques.
While the guild is still relatively small, Neel hopes that the membership base will expand in the coming semester. Membership is currently limited to a handful of dedicated and interested students, but Neel explained that “there are a lot of people who have expressed interest in the group.”
Neel plans to develop three circles of knitting: beginning, workshop and practice. No prior experience is necessary; the beginners group will be dedicated to students who want to learn the craft. Experienced knitters will also be able to share their ideas and techniques, in addition to having a social atmosphere in which to
KGB meetings are currently held every Tuesday at 10 p.m. in the ACH Lounge. For more information, navigate to the group’s website, which outlines its purpose and provides the group’s email address.
“My mother taught me how to knit when I was 12,” said member Billye Smith ’01. “I began and ditched many projects out of sheer boredom. So when I began knitting with Lara I was surprised to learn how dynamic knitting could be-I’ve begun to knit on the bus and in meetings like a crazy old neighbor lady.”
While Neel has personally taught a handful of interested students how to knit, she admitted that the success of the group will “depend a great deal on participation from others.”
“Knitting doesn’t come naturally to anyone, but I believe that anyone who can work a fork and a knife or chopsticks can learn how to knit,” explained Neel.
-Kelly Theim