Club Focus: Amherst TEACH
Enter Amherst TEACH, a student group dedicated to helping interested students find opportunities in teaching both at Amherst and beyond.
“TEACH is an organization that is meant to serve as an aid in organizing resources and helping to unify the people at Amherst who are interested in tutoring and teaching while at Amherst, who are considering entering the teaching profession, or who are involved in the teaching certification program,” said Kathy M. Xiong ’04E, who, along with Deborah Hoshiko ’03, co-chairs the club.
“When I graduate I hope to enter into a graduate school of education, most likely in the midwest,” said Xiong. “My passion is working with young children, thus I hope to become certified in elementary or early childhood education. I am a psych major and I feel that this field will best prepare me for my future.” According to Xiong, Hoshiko also wants to enter elementary education.
“Currently, we have approximately 50 to 75 students who are interested in tutoring, teaching or completing the certification program,” said Xiong. “Every year the email list increases.”
While the group does not hold regularly scheduled meetings, TEACH events are often well-attended, including last night’s screening of “Stand and Deliver” in Moore TV pit (pictured above). Events planned for later in the year include talks by local schoolteachers, a discussion with Professor of English Barry O’Connell on educational policy and a creative arts workshop to support tutoring efforts.