@jackjunk Shares His Artistic Expression Through Instagram

The photographs on @jackjunk’s Instagram profile may astound you — it’s not very often that you meet someone your age who has already mastered the art of capturing the various essences of their daily life, leaving viewers wanting to know more. However, a warning: Once you view Jack’s profile, you might find yourself trying to emulate him and to take photos of anything and everything in an attempt to formulate it into a calm and serene image that makes viewers feel at peace. Though he’s from a small town in Minnesota, he finds himself traveling around the country, capturing people and moments that develop into his new Instagram galaxy. His work shows how Instagram can be a place where anyone and everyone can demonstrate their talent for capturing the people and places in their lives. His photo collection shows how, with a little inspiration and creativity, the places right outside your own door, and maybe a couple hundred miles down the road, can turn into the most beautiful images. I had the fortunate opportunity of conversing with Jack about his photography to learn more about Jack’s favorite adventures and why he continues to use Instagram as a medium for building and creating community. And just talking to him left me with a new sense of wonder and inspiration. While interviewing Jack, I even began to reconsider what I wanted to evoke through my own photos — Jack allows you to look at the simplest photographs in a new light. Regardless of where you’ve traveled to or where you’re from, Jack’s Instagram will impress. So, I recommend that you take a few minutes and scroll through the feed of @jackjunk — I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Q: Where are you from?
A: Small town in Minnesota

Q: How would you describe your instagram?
A: Happy, it’s really just a collection of stuff I find and the moments I choose to curate that make me happy .

Q: When did you first hear about Instagram and what did you think of the app when you began using it?
A: I got it when I was 16, when I got my first iPhone — I didn’t think much of the app but thought it was cool because of the 1975 filter.

Q: What do you think you get out of Instagram that you may not get out of other social media platforms?
A: I think you get a community, a safe place to share. People want to see you be creative, and it’s encouraging to try.

Q: What has been one of your favorite places and/or people to photograph and why?
A: I don’t know that I can pick. I’ve loved everyone I’ve ever shot, [and] every experience was so different it would be hard to pick! But shooting anywhere other than Minnesota — Utah, California and New York have been my favorite so far. There is just something very liberating about seeing something you’re really not used to.