Mammoth Moments in Miniature: April 27 to May 3

Val and Chemistry Department Host Three-Day Molecular Gastronomy Food Festival

Valentine Food Services and the Chemistry department will be hosting a three-day molecular gastronomy food festival between May 2 and May 4 featuring culinary delights created using different food preparation processes, including sous vide, spherification, emulsion, and more. The festival is an outgrowth of the Chemistry class “Molecular Gastronomy and Food Science,” which allows students to both examine the science behind the food that we eat, as well as participate in the creation of a variety of dishes.

New Deadline for Houston Program Applications

The Loeb Center has pushed back the deadline for applications to the Charles Hamilton Houston Internship Program, which provides students with funding for unpaid summer internships. Students will now be able to submit their applications up through Friday, May 12.

Student Affairs Hosts White-Out Rave

The Office of Student Affairs will be hosting a White Out Rave on Saturday, May 6 at 9 p.m. on the Val quad. Attendees are asked to come dressed in white, and glow sticks and face and body paint will be provided. The rave will also feature live EDM music by DJ RVS.

Administration to Hold Undergraduate Awards Ceremony

The College’s annual undergraduate awards ceremony will be held on Thursday, May 4 at 6 p.m. on the Val quad. The ceremony will honor and award prizes to freshman, sophomores, and juniors from a variety of majors for outstanding work, scholarship, and citizenship. A reception will take place following the event.