Student sees man expose himself in Frost Library
By the time officers reported to the library, the man had left the location in which the student employee had initially seen him. Officers searched but could not find the man anywhere on the first floor.
“After speaking with the student, the officers and student began checking all floors of the building in search of the man,” Zaniewski said in a statement to The Student. “He was found on B-level [of the library].”
According to Zaniewski, officers escorted the man to the Campus Police building. The man consistently denied that he had engaged in the activity alleged against him. Campus Police identified the man as a resident of Wethersfield, Conn. and photographed him. The man is not a student at the College.
“[Officers] issued a written trespass notice barring [the man] from returning to the College,” Zaniewski’s statement said. Officers also escorted the man off College property.
The student’s treatment of the incident followed library procedure. “Standard procedure is to not get patrons or workers involved unless it is a public safety concern,” said Head of Access Services Alexa Jaffurs. “The staff person calls Campus Police and we defer to Campus Police.”
According to Zaniewski, Campus Police are pursuing a court summons against the man. The student employee wished to remain anonymous.