The Lilac x The Student: “Waiting Period”
greased wings fly better on water but catch on buttery lips
I fatten up on oil words and false fullness
Corrode a little slower
Allow the enamel visions to seep in with their knuckle-hard truths
the smarter children find my play to be a teething game
And I am the fool for thinking gnawing is a sweet suckle
There’s a subtle difference in the way me and my friends consider motherhood
Buds planted when we bled the last new moon burst into cavities
Bite this unwell fruit
Yield a nectar
can you sense a subtle saline
That trickles down
to your
bleeding gums
Its stinging flow eased via the same pregnant tributaries whispered to methodically strike my bitter core
My mother’s mantra taught me early to search for gold and expect life
But I found it dwelling in unfamiliar little mouths molded for my hand’s suffocating caress
milky air escapes through the gaps in my bone-bitten knuckles
yet my pock-marked arms still crave this crescent-like connection
sleep nurses in the threaded flaps of my skin bent to shield newborn gazes
And I finally understand why latching on aches a little too late
Baby yellow thumbs seek outwards
clutching the young hidden stem growing in my gullet
and there is
nothing else I can offer the soil coating my soul but a promise to not
swallow this dissolving
As I patiently
wait for the waning