Campus Conversation
Not another tent
A massive white tent with plastic see-through windows plopped in the middle of the social quad drew quite a bit of attention this past weekend. Of course, Amherst students being Amherst students, food was a central expectation in the presence of the tent.
“When I first saw it I was hoping there would be some event that involved food,” said Sheila Graham ’03. “This morning I realized it was for the Little Red Schoolhouse when I saw the Zumbyes singing.”
Many students were curious about the tent in general, which was used as a site for the preschool party on Sunday morning, where preschoolers ran around the social quad playing the games that preschoolers play.
“What the hell is it?” said Joanne Joo ’04.
“I was like, ‘What is that tent for?'” commented Elinor Lee ’05. “I wish I got to play in the little tent, too.”
Always used to having random objects and activities occurring on campus, senior Philip Tucker did not have any thoughts on the random white plastic covering. “I have complete and utter indifference,” said Tucker.
Solicitors will be shot
Solicitors will be shot
On their way to Valentine last Sunday night, students were greeted by more than just the usual aroma of baked scrod and cheesy potato soup wafting across the quad.
Waiting outside the entrance was a gentleman pushing ostensibly free t-shirts to all those hungry enough to pass by. All students had to do was sign up for a mailing list, he explained.
Those students who read the fine print, however, realized that they were signing up for credit cards.
“As I approached and asked him about whether this stuff was really free, he answered that yes, it was, absolutely free,” said Alex Gomez del Moral ’03, pictured above with the vendor. “Then I noticed the clipboards with the credit card stuff on it and said a small ‘oh no.’ He responded by thrusting the clipboard towards me, beginning his credit card spiel. I very quickly responded ‘No, thanks, I already have a credit card and am not interested in another,’ and walked away,” he said.
The vendor was removed from campus after students notified Campus Police of his presence.
Harassment by solicitors is nothing new to students. At the beginning of the year, pairs of magazine sellers were ushered out of student rooms repeatedly.
“They invited themselves into my room,” said Jessica Rothschild ’06. “I could smell them, and they stank. I wanted them to leave.” Other students called Campus Police, who promptly arrived. “It was perfect timing when the cops showed,” she said. “They weren’t going to leave.”
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