Film Society x The Student: “The Conversation” Max Feigelson ’27 reviews “The Conversation,” arguing the lesser-appreciated Francis Ford Coppola film is like the third epic Homer never wrote.
The Indicator x The Student: “Self Portrait As The Thing Left in the End” Originally published in the Spring 2024 issue of The Indicator, this poem by Mel Arthur ’25 traces the evolution of a relationship.
The Indicator x The Student: “May this Bald Body Bring Us” Leydn McEvoy ’25 reimagines the aftermath of cancer in this poem originally published in the Spring 2024 issue of The Indicator.
Film Society x The Student: “Point Break” In this installment of Film Society x The Student, Max Feigelson ’27 reviews one of his all-time favorite movies, “Point Break,” examining the surfer movie’s hidden depths.
“Survivor”: Season 47, Episode 1 “Survivor” is back! Columnist Vaughn Armour ’25 recounts the season’s first episode, where alliances are already forming and egos are already bruising.
Val Hacks: Bringing You the (Ice Cream) Scoop In this edition of Val Hacks, Ivy Haight ’25 brings two recipes that turn the classic frozen dessert into a tasty drink.
The Indicator x The Student: “Slow Death of the Generic Tree Drawing” In this poem from the Spring 2024 issue of The Indicator, Gabby Avena ’25 poignantly explores nature, time, and art.