Cleaning up: We take a quick spin through the four best laundry rooms on campus
Moore Dormitory
Moore Dormitory
Moore, a monster of a dorm, quite fittingly features a rather spacious laundry room with four washers and four dryers. The laundry room is on the building’s first floor, downstairs from the Valentine-side entrance and right near the building’s elevator. The room also has vending machines, which like the washers and dryers, are tied into the AC Dollar$ swipe-card system. Nearby, there are more machines, featuring both juice and snacks to go entertain you while you wait.
Charles Drew House
Charles Drew House
Like most of the College’s old frat house laundry rooms, Drew’s laundry room is not yet wired with AC Dollar$ card readers. How-ever, for the hassle of finding a handful of quarters, you will be treated to a nice room in a nice, finished basement, which, like Moore, features its own vending machines to supplement the rest of the usual niceties of laundry rooms. Moreover, Drew’s laundry room features a whopping two washers and two dryers, while Drew only has 21 residents, a machines-to-students ratio unrivaled, except by houses on the Hill, where, of course, no one lives.
Appleton Hall
Appleton Hall
One simple change actually makes doing laundry at Appleton an enjoyable experience: the laundry room is on the second floor, not in the basement. The advantage of this move is that the room has nice, tall windows overlooking the southwest corner of the freshman quad. During the day, the room is brighter than any of the other laundry rooms on campus and, even at night, the indirect lighting in Appleton makes the room brighter than most. Hamilton House also features washers and dryers on the second floor, but the facilities there are much more meager. While the thought of a trek up the stairs to the second floor of Appleton might deter you from making the trip, remember that Appleton has an elevator right next to the laundry room. And to keep you busy while you’re there, some courteous Appletonian has posted Brothers Grimm fairy tales for your perusal.
Newport House
Newport House
Like Appleton’s, Newport’s laundry room has windows, though they overlook the not nearly as picturesque parking lot behind the building. Newport’s kitchen and basement having received recent renovation, the laundry room is clean and much more welcoming than any of the dank, unusable rooms in the Triangle houses or the machine in the basement hallway in La Casa. While waiting for your unmentionables to finish drying, cook up some dinner in the dorm’s kitchen right nearby. Also, don’t discount the importance of the nearby sink when you’ve got Tide on your hands.
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