Club Focus: Foreign Policy Forum
Jenny Long ’01, in collaboration with Adam Nagorski ’02, Cathy Jun ’01E and Denise Lee ’01, founded the organization early this fall to discuss and raise awareness about issues of international relations. “We thought there was a lot of interest on campus about international affairs, but no forum in which to address those issues,” said Nagorski, who is currently president of the organization.
The group conducts weekly meetings at which each of eight officers relates important news and current events pertaining to her particular geographic region. Also, each regional officer is required to deliver one or more presentations on major issues in her region during the semester.
During the course of the semester, FPF also attracts speakers to share their perspective on international issues. “Last week we had journalists from Newsweek and ABC News, and next week Five-College Professor Michael Klare will talk to us about small arms,” said Nagorski. This Monday the FPF will hold a panel entitled “Life Under Communism.” Five different professors who have lived under Communist regimes will speak about their experiences as part of the event.
Nagorski looks forward to bringing new speakers to the campus, including the Palestinian ambassador to the U.N., and to sending delegations of students to simulation conferences such as the Harvard National Model United Nations.
The fledgling group hopes to expand their membership in the coming semester. “It’s a great organization and we have big dreams. Come and participate! You may learn something new! Have an opinion? Want an opinion? It’s all about our forum style,” said Arthur Lord ’03, deputy secretary of state for the club.
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