Crime Log
February 4, 2003
February 4, 2003
3:06 a.m., Jenkins Dormitory: An officer responded to a noise complaint regarding a first-floor suite.
3:06 a.m., Jenkins Dormitory:
February 5, 2003
February 5, 2003
February 5, 2003
1:17 a.m., Hamilton House: Officers responded to a noise complaint.
1:17 a.m., Hamilton House:
2:17 a.m., Moore Dormitory: Officers responded to a noise complaint on the second floor.
2:17 a.m., Moore Dormitory:
2:36 a.m., Crossett Dormitory: Officers responded to a noise complaint regarding a second-floor suite.
2:36 a.m., Crossett Dormitory:
9:56 a.m., Merrill Science Center: An officer responded to a report of a medical problem.
9:56 a.m., Merrill Science Center:
12:17 p.m., Converse Hall: Campus Police towed a vehicle blocking traffic in the parking lot.
12:17 p.m., Converse Hall:
9:07 p.m., Morrow Dormitory: Campus Police dispatched ACEMS to assist an ill student.
9:07 p.m., Morrow Dormitory:
February 6, 2003
February 6, 2003
February 6, 2003
1:06 a.m., Seelye House: Officers responded to a noise complaint. The officers returned a second time when they received another complaint at 2:03 a.m.
1:06 a.m., Seelye House:
2:31 a.m., Seelye: While officers were responding to a noise complaint, they observed two students with a keg near the building. When the officers called to them they put the keg down and entered Mayo Smith House. The officers confiscated the keg and fined residents of Seelye $100.
2:31 a.m., Seelye:
2:50 a.m., Hitchcock House: A resident reported that his door was damaged when someone kicked it.
2:50 a.m., Hitchcock House:
11:50 a.m., Hills Lot: Campus Police towed two vehicles after issuing numerous warnings to the owners that they must register their vehicles.
11:50 a.m., Hills Lot:
February 7, 2003
February 7, 2003
February 7, 2003
12:49 a.m., Tyler House: Officers responded to a noise complaint on the third floor.
12:49 a.m., Tyler House:
10:32 a.m., Hitchcock : An employee reported unauthorized use of a second-floor room at Hitchcock. An officer discovered the people were visiting a student.
10:32 a.m., Hitchcock :
12:20 p.m., Merrill: Campus Police dispatched an officer and an ambulance to assist an ill employee.
12:20 p.m., Merrill:
9:20 p.m., Wilson House: Food burning in an oven activated a fire alarm.
9:20 p.m., Wilson House:
February 8, 2003
February 8, 2003
February 8, 2003
12:01 a.m., Stearns Hall: An officer responded to assist a student who had cut himself.
12:01 a.m., Stearns Hall:
12:20 a.m., Stearns: Officers responded to a noise complaint on the fourth floor. The officer confiscated two bottles of alcohol.
12:20 a.m., Stearns:
1:58 a.m., Davis Dormitory: An officer responded to a noise complaint in a second-floor suite. The officer confiscated two unlicensed kegs. The officer fined one student $100 and fined the suite residents $25 each.
1:58 a.m., Davis Dormitory:
2:00 a.m., Main Campus: Campus Police towed 10 vehicles for being parked in violation of the winter parking ban.
2:00 a.m., Main Campus:
6:08 a.m., Valentine Hall: Campus Police dispatched an officer, ACEMS and an ambulance to assist an injured employee.
6:08 a.m., Valentine Hall:
5:06 p.m., Alumni Gym: Smoke from a malfunctioning light activated a fire alarm.
5:06 p.m., Alumni Gym:
5:29 p.m., Alumni House: Campus Police dispatched an officer and an ambulance to assist a woman who had fainted.
5:29 p.m., Alumni House:
8:18 p.m., Pond Dormitory: An officer investigated a duress alarm.
8:18 p.m., Pond Dormitory:
11:41p.m., Hamilton: Officers responded to a noise complaint. Officers confiscated a keg and a large amount of hard alcohol and fined one student $100 for the unlicensed keg.
11:41p.m., Hamilton:
February 9, 2003
February 9, 2003
February 9, 2003
1:20 a.m., Stearns: An officer investigated a duress alarm.
1:20 a.m., Stearns:
1:54 a.m., Hitchcock : An officer found a keg in the common room and fined residents $100.
1:54 a.m., Hitchcock :
2:27 a.m., Coolidge Dormitory: What appeared to be marijuana smoke activated a fire alarm in a first-floor suite. Officers fined the room group $100 and confiscated a small amount of marijuana.
2:27 a.m., Coolidge Dormitory:
2:57 a.m., Moore: An officer responded to a noise complaint on the second floor. Campus Police responded to a second complaint at 3:39 a.m.
2:57 a.m., Moore:
11:49 p.m., James Hall: An officer responded to a noise complaint on the first floor.
11:49 p.m., James Hall:
February 10, 2003
February 10, 2003
February 10, 2003
1:45 a.m., Hitchcock: Campus Police towed a vehicle parked in a handicapped space.
1:45 a.m., Hitchcock:
2:13 a.m., Crossett: Officers responded to a noise complaint for a second floor suite.
2:13 a.m., Crossett:
February 11, 2003
February 11, 2003
February 11, 2003
3:53 a.m., Main Campus: Campus Policed towed a vehicle that was parked in violation of the winter parking ban.
3:53 a.m., Main Campus:
7:11 a.m., Physical Plant: An employee reported the door to a utility vehicle was vandalized.
7:11 a.m., Physical Plant:
4:39 p.m., Pratt Dormitory: Campus Police found a vending machine had been vandalized.
4:39 p.m., Pratt Dormitory:
February 12, 2003
February 12, 2003
February 12, 2003
10:19 a.m., Stone Dormitory: Campus Police towed a vehicle blocking a dumpster.
10:19 a.m., Stone Dormitory:
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