Website of the Week

Picture this: you wake up on a Sunday morning. You’re not in your own bed, but that’s just the beginning of your problems. You have a pounding headache, and just the thought of Sunday brunch in Val makes you feel a little queasy. You lie in bed and ponder two of life’s little questions: First, what exactly is in Donkey Punch anyway, and second, how can you give that Sunday morning Donkey Punch Syndrome a kick in the ass? No pun intended.

Although I can’t tell you what’s in Donkey Punch, after checking out, I can tell you that in the Middle Ages, people lessened the after effects of a rough night by downing a plate of almonds and eel. The website also offers more feasible hangover cures and features an extremely attractive (and eerily evocative) puke-green-colored background. Of course, any website worth checking out on a Sunday should give us a means of procrastination, and does the job, with a game called “How’s Your Memory?” and a feature entitled “Rate Your Poison.” So head on down to this website, if you can make it out of bed. You really won’t regret it, just ignore the ringing in your head.