Jones Library Receives First Under-Budget Bid for Renovation Project The bid clears the way for the project to move forward, but a new wrinkle in the project’s historic review process could lead to additional delays.
Sis’s Place: Student Founds Housing Nonprofit Aletheia Woodford ’26E is a full-time student and the founder and executive director of Sis’s Place Inc., a nonprofit which will provide immediate housing to domestic violence survivors in the Pioneer Valley.
Professors Plan Syllabi, Class Discussions Around Election In light of Tuesday’s election, some professors have altered their syllabi. Staff Writer Talia Ehrenberg ’28 and Assistant Features Editor Nife Joshua ’26 spoke with two Amherst professors about how they plan to approach the election in their classes.
Amherst Earns Gold Star in Sustainability The Office of Sustainability announced that the college has achieved a Gold rating in AASHE’s STARS program, which focuses on a holistic assessment of campus sustainability practices.