ChatGPT: Product Over Process? Amid the growing popularity of ChatGPT, the Editorial Board calls for the college to make curricular changes in defense of critical, original thought.
Repurposing Space, Preserving Place The administration has not yet decided how it will repurpose Valentine Dining Hall upon completion of the new student center. The Editorial Board urges students to consider how the wrong choice could create an off-kilter campus.
Defamiliarizing Discourse The Editorial Board calls for more diverse on-campus speakers and considers how to draw the line between challenging and violent speech, arguing that speaker events must be opportunities to engage in thoughtful discourse rather than internalize uncontested ideas.
A Humanities Haven? The Editorial Board considers Amherst’s relationship to and role within the current crisis of the humanities.
Fizz Should Go Flat The Editorial Board emphasizes the dangers of Fizz — a new, anonymous social app — underscoring its questionable policies and the way it detracts from productive discourse on campus.
To Honor the Open Curriculum While recognizing the importance of an interdisciplinary education, The Editorial Board believes the breadth requirements in the new Latin honors policy will cause more harm than good to Amherst’s academic environment.
The AAS Is Changing for the Better — Will Students? The Editorial Board calls on students to match the productive changes the AAS is making with democratic enthusiasm, in order to make this spring a fresh start for student government.