Film Society x The Student: “Horror Rewind” Series After the conclusion of Amherst College Film Society’s “Horror Rewind” series, Contributing Writer Mila Missaki Gomes ’27 compares each film and the haunting effects that they had on the audience.
Film Society x The Student: “Killers of the Flower Moon” Martin Scorsese’s latest film, “Killers of the Flower Moon,” premiered last week. Caden Stockwell ’25 explores its dark themes and slow pace.
Film Society x The Student: “The Royal Hotel” Assistant Arts & Living Editor Sophie Durbin ’25 describes “The Royal Hotel” as a cautionary tale for female travelers and a horror story about unreliable friends in this week’s installment of Film Society x The Student.
Film Society x The Student: “The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar” In the second installment of Film Society’s column, Diego Duckenfield-Lopez ’24 admires the metatextuality of Wes Anderson’s new short film, “The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar.”