Career Support Advice from Two Seniors On the eve of their graduation, Contributing Writers Ryan Kyle ’23 and Anna Hogarth ’23 reflect on the career exploration resources they wish they’d utilized sooner.
Community Advisor Applicants: Don’t Sign Contracts with Residential Life Community Advisors (CAs) play a vital role in our campus community. We offer support, guidance and snacks to our residents. We respond in times of crises and foster relationships and community. We take great pride in our work because giving back to this place that has given us so much
Workday Begins Replacing ACData, Modernizing College’s Business Processes The college transitioned from ACData to the digital Workday system for human resources, finance and shared services business processes in early January. Workday is a cloud-based application software that was designed to centralize the storage and organization of Amherst workplace information. The process of moving from the decades-old ACData HR