Get to Know the Class of 2028: Results from The Student’s First-year Survey The first-year class has made headlines for its demographic makeup, but we wanted to learn more about the 480 Mammoths new to campus this fall.
Board of Trustees Unanimously Votes Not to Divest The Amherst College Board of Trustees has voted unanimously against divesting from companies that supply military equipment to the Israeli government.
Two-thirds of Faculty Vote in Favor of Divestment Resolution The nonbinding resolution calls for the college to divest from weapons companies that support Israel’s war in Gaza. The vote came a week after the AAS passed a similar resolution calling for divestment from a larger set of corporations.
Over 130 Arrested During UMass Encampment Police declared an unlawful assembly, tearing down tents and pushing protesters to the ground at the encampment on May 7.
Professor Martha Umphrey Prepares for Role as Provost and Dean of the Faculty Professor Martha Umphrey, incoming chief academic officer at the college, is eager to develop curricular conversations about AI, meet individually with the chairs of each department, and further intertwine the humanities and STEM.
Amherst-Pelham Regional School District Appoints New Superintendent Dr. E. Xiomara Herman will start as superintendent of the Amherst-Pelham Regional Schools (APRS) July 1, following contract negotiations. She comes to western Massachusetts by way of St. Croix, Virgin Islands, amidst unrest in APRS and the former superintendent’s resignation.
Historian Examines the Links Between Evangelicals and Constitutional Originalism Austin Lee Steelman, a PhD candidate at Stanford, discussed the long-standing affinity between the religious right and originalism, a legal movement which advocates for reading the Constitution according to the framers’ original intent.