After Affirmative Action: Paradox and Opportunity The Editorial Board advocates for the college to rethink the ways it approaches diversity on campus, post-affirmative action.
The Last Mask Standing Assistant Opinion Editor Willow Delp ’26 speaks about their experience as one of the campus’ last mask-wearers and calls for more structural Covid-19 protections.
Satire: President Elliott, A “Twisted Villain”? Contributing writer Gabe Proia ’25 pokes fun at President Michael Elliott’s conspicuous Instagram birthday post for film-maker Caden Stockwell ’25, calling it “a brilliant political move.”
Fulton County Jail is Nothing To Celebrate While the internet sensationalizes Donald Trump’s arrest, Assistant Opinion Editor Willow Delp ’26 warns against the delusion of equity within the criminal justice system.
Welcome, Class of 2027 As AAS Vice President, Staff Writer Shane Dillon ’26 shares some advice with the freshly-minted first-year students.
Big Stick Energy — Breaking The Ice: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 Cartoonist Miles Garcia ’25 pokes fun at freshman orientation rites of passage.
On the Educational Value of Diversity In the wake of a Supreme Court decision banning affirmative action, the college’s faculty argue that diversity is crucial for education, in a letter signed by 144 faculty members.