When Financial Aid Fails Staff Writer Willow Delp ’26 shares the story of Zoe Callan ’25 and criticizes the college’s failure to live up to its reputation of generous financial aid policies.
Repurposing Space, Preserving Place The administration has not yet decided how it will repurpose Valentine Dining Hall upon completion of the new student center. The Editorial Board urges students to consider how the wrong choice could create an off-kilter campus.
Litterbug: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 Litterbug Cartoonist Quinn Nelson ’25 prophesizes the transition to the next academic year.
The American Punch Bowl — Bicycle: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 American Punch Bowl Cartoonist Alice Burg ‘23 theorizes the geometric evolution of bicycles.
Tapti Talks: Living with Chronic Illness In this issue of “Tapti Talks,” Managing Opinion Editor Tapti Sen ’25 reflects on her experience with chronic illness and expresses her gratitude for the people at Amherst who’ve supported her.
Turtles, Eggs, and Rocks: Vietnamese Superstitions in Practice Staff Writer Pho Vu ’23 proffers twelve bits of Vietnamese wisdom that might help you avoid bad luck (and, maybe the hiccups).
Litterbug: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 Cartoonist Quinn Nelson ‘25 contemplates a squirrel/biker showdown in the newest edition of Litterbug.