Love at First Bite Cartoonist Isaac Streiff ’24 pokes fun at a vampire-human relationship in Twilight, playing with the connection between commitment and immortality.
Rewriting the Legality of Outer Space Contributing writer Tylar Matsuo ’24 investigates the lack of governance of outer space and emphasizes the need for an equitable legal framework whose future is not determined by billionaires. He urges students to shape regulatory policies through active conversations and electoral pressure.
Amherst Staff Deserve a Union Managing Opinion Editor Scott Brasesco ’22 argues that wage increases alone are not enough, calling for staff unionization at the college. He looks to other pandemic college unionization efforts for inspiration and asks students and faculty to get involved in supporting Amherst’s staff.
Seeing Double: Amherst Reorientation 2021 Seeing Double columnist Cole Graber-Mitchell ’22 shares the difficulty of adjusting to life back on campus after so much time away. He urges students to take their time settling back into in-person college life and make use of college mental health resources when things get tough.
Pay Staff What They Deserve This week, the Editorial Board calls for an increase in hourly wages for staff at the college. This call follows a series of Labor Day interviews with staff.
Repeating History The Editorial Board reflected on the administration's recent decision to tighten Covid rules, and found the exact same problem that caused the outrage when students were asked to leave campus three semesters ago: a failure to communicate compassionately and to consult with the groups most affected.
Seeing Double: Down With Admission’s Double Standards "Seeing Double" Columnist Thomas Brodey '22 criticizes a double standard that he perceives between the college's treatment of its applicants, who he alleges were afforded little to no leniency during the pandemic, and its students, who received a number of accommodations.