College Visits
Princeton task force reports on gender issues in the sciences:
The task force, which was created by Princeton President Shirley M. Tilghman in 2001, studied the status of female faculty for over a year.
According to The Chronicle, the task force report stated that there are still very few female professors in the science departments. Furthermore, these female professors are less satisfied with their jobs than male faculty members.
Girgus and the task force also recommended that Princeton devote $10 million to promoting the recruitment of female faculty in the sciences. The task force found no significant difference in the tenure rates and salaries. It did, however, find that more women were hired in the sciences and engineering than any other department in the past ten years.
In 2002 there were only two science and engineering departments with female heads. Female faculty members held fewer than six percent of endowed chairs at Princeton, according to The Chronicle.
Maine police continue to investigate murder of Colby student: Maine police announced last week that they had a suspect in the murder of Colby College student Dawn Rossignol, according to the Bangor Daily News. Edward J. Hackett was taken into custody of the Kennebec County Jail without bail and was charged with murder.
Maine police continue to investigate murder of Colby student:
Hackett was convicted of kidnapping and robbery in Utah in 1992 and was released on parole in March, according to the Daily News.
Officials said it was common to allow parolees to travel to other states, and supervision of those prisoners is generally turned over to the Department of Corrections in those states. Investigators had asked the Maine Department of Corrections to provide them with a list of people in the area who had been convicted of similar crimes, according to the Daily News. Police confirmed that Hackett was on the list but refused to elaborate on what led them to suspect him.
Rossignol’s body was found two weeks ago near the Colby campus.
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