Opinion Snow Day Cartoonist Emi Eliason ’22 envisions how Amherst students can get creative to make a snow day happen.
Amherst For All: The Nature of The Injustice In the second installment of “Amherst For All,” Columnists Zane Khiry ’25 and Tim Carroll ’25 examine the socioeconomically inequitable aspects of Amherst’s admissions policy and consider why they are important to rectify.
After Affirmative Action: Paradox and Opportunity The Editorial Board advocates for the college to rethink the ways it approaches diversity on campus, post-affirmative action.
The AAS Is Changing for the Better — Will Students? The Editorial Board calls on students to match the productive changes the AAS is making with democratic enthusiasm, in order to make this spring a fresh start for student government.
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