Thank You, Lipton

Staff Writer Shane Dillon ’26 expresses gratitude for his time living in Lipton House and the community he found there.

During my first summer away from Amherst, I received notice that my room assignment was changing from Tyler to Lipton. I have bad allergies to dust so I needed a non-carpet floor, and someone happened to have gone abroad last minute, so I was moved to Lipton. I had no clue at the time what it was going to be like because I had only ever been in the basement once before on Halloweekend and had a great time. An upperclassmen friend told me it would be a very nice dorm. I would come to learn this for myself.

I am compelled to write about Lipton because it has become more than just a nice dorm. Unbeknownst to most, Lipton has a very nice patio with a small hill and set of stairs in the back, overlooking the Alumni House and the Inn on Boltwood. The patio quickly became a cherished place. Friends would come sit on the steps after the day ended and we would debrief. Facilities moved some green chairs to the back which allowed us to sit and listen to music from parties at the Boltwood. The Cohan parking lot is quiet at night with the occasional car departing now and then. There are giant rocks lining the staircase and on one of them is a plaque dedicated to Henry Kimball, class year 1896, which was donated in his name by his wife in 1931. I could not find any information on him but he has undoubtedly seen a lot via his rock plaque. There is a lamp post that goes on at night and two identical lilac trees on either side of the brick patio. It is such a nice place to relax, and I highly recommend it. Since the sun has been out, friends and I sit out front and watch the cars go by while we do work. Others use the space as well, sometimes doing work on the cement ledge.  My absolute favorite part is the family of squirrels that chase each other endlessly; I am going to miss them.

I also must thank the people of this dorm. Lipton is mostly seniors and juniors, so I thought there might be an uprising when a sophomore got in. I have a great deal of respect for the people up at 3 a.m. while I either work or do whatever else 3 a.m. offers. Thank you to the vending machine that has provided an unlimited ginger ale option. Thank you to nature for being so beautiful! Finally, a thank you to my neighbor to whom I would not have found my way through sophomore year without. Be well in your epistemic endeavors.

Lipton is hard to get into — even with a number accounting for accommodations, I wasn’t able to live there again. I learned a lot, relaxed a lot, and have developed a deeper appreciation for nature and the calm it provides. If you are lucky enough to live at Lipton make use of this space. Thank you to every friend who laughed, cried, debriefed and drank tea in this space, amongst other things. Thank you, Lipton!