Exercises in Thought: I Ran a Relationship Advice Column at Amherst/I Fell in Love at Oxford Returning to their joint column Exercises in Thought, Joe Sweeney ’25 and Tim Carroll ’25 both contemplate love at and away from Amherst.
Exercises in Thought: Social Life Exercises in Thought columnists Tim Carroll ’25 and Joe Sweeney ’25 explore the liberal arts social scene, from hazy nightlife to stodgy well-being spaces.
Exercises in Thought: The Classroom/Discussions “Exercises in Thought” Columnists Tim Carroll ’25 and Joe Sweeney ’25 hash out the dilemmas that befall students and professors in class discussions.
Amherst For All: The Nature of The Injustice In the second installment of “Amherst For All,” Columnists Zane Khiry ’25 and Tim Carroll ’25 examine the socioeconomically inequitable aspects of Amherst’s admissions policy and consider why they are important to rectify.
Exercises in Thought: I Love Eating in Val!/Eat in Val: It’s good for you. Exercises In Thought Columnists Joe Sweeney ’25 and Tim Carroll ’25 contemplate the pleasures of eating in Val in our post-to-go box era.
Amherst for All: An Equity Problem In the debut of “Amherst for All,” Columnists Tim Carroll ’25 and Zane Khiry ’25 call on the college to reckon with the socioeconomic inequities of admissions.
Exercises in Thought: Why I Am So Wise/Why I Am So Clever In their column debut, Staff Writers Tim Carroll ’25 and Joe Sweeney ’25 face off over the college’s mission statement to beg the ultimate question: why should we value thinking?