Amherst for All: An Equity Problem In the debut of “Amherst for All,” Columnists Tim Carroll ’25 and Zane Khiry ’25 call on the college to reckon with the socioeconomic inequities of admissions.
Letter to the Editor: In Support of Amherst Athletics Faculty Athletic Representative Leah Schmalzbauer and Faculty Liason to Men’s Soccer Christopher Durr defend the value of athletics and the work that the department has done to achieve diversity goals in a letter to the editor.
Affirmative Action Was Never the Answer Staff Writer Zane Khiry ’25 reflects on the uneven distribution of affirmative action’s benefits and questions its efficacy in bringing about racial uplift.
After Affirmative Action: Paradox and Opportunity The Editorial Board advocates for the college to rethink the ways it approaches diversity on campus, post-affirmative action.
After End of Affirmative Action, College Reckons With Diversity This summer, the Supreme Court ruled that colleges can no longer practice race-conscious admissions. Amherst is grappling with the decision’s implications, which could result in lower racial diversity among future classes.
Faculty Vote To Release, Discuss Data on Athletic Recruitment Policies In response to the Supreme Court’s overruling of affirmative action, faculty urges for more transparency around athletic admissions.
Secretary Lhamon Discusses Enforcement, Future of Civil Rights in Education Students and faculty gathered for an event on the future of civil rights in education with Catherine Lhamon ’93, the assistant secretary for civil rights at the United States Department of Education, on Thursday, March 23.