Expanding Equity in Admissions The Editorial Board calls for a continuing equitable admissions process at Amherst as affirmative action’s existence becomes increasingly threatened.
The Arts Are Instrumental The Editorial Board calls for a considered and consistent consideration of the arts on campus when it comes to the allocation of extracurricular space.
Preventing Sexual Misconduct The Editorial Board discusses @amherstshareyourstory and the value of the accounts shared by students, while considering the difficulty, but necessity, of creating change.
Is It Bussin'? The Editorial Board reflects on Amherst’s campus-wide group chat, considering its powerful potential as well as its negative ramifications.
Burnout: Reigniting the Flame The Editorial Board addresses student burnout, arguing that collaboration between professors and students may be the best way forward.
Holding Each Other Accountable The Editorial Board argues that recent party vandalism at the college needs to be met with a dual response — administrative openness and student responsibility.
A Lasting Legacy The Editorial Board congratulates the college on last week’s decision to end legacy preference in admissions and increase financial aid, recognizing that, while it is not a solution to admissions inequity, it is evidence of an institutional commitment to a more diverse future.