Anti-Ableist Amherst: Disabled Students Deserve a Resource Center In the debut of their column “Anti-Ableist Amherst,” Assistant Opinion Editor Willow Delp ’26 advocates for a disabled/neurodivergent resource center on campus.
Amherst for All: An Equity Problem In the debut of “Amherst for All,” Columnists Tim Carroll ’25 and Zane Khiry ’25 call on the college to reckon with the socioeconomic inequities of admissions.
Letter to the Editor: In Support of Amherst Athletics Faculty Athletic Representative Leah Schmalzbauer and Faculty Liason to Men’s Soccer Christopher Durr defend the value of athletics and the work that the department has done to achieve diversity goals in a letter to the editor.
An Endemic Problem Amid the rising Covid cases, The Editorial Board proposes moderate policies that would provide students with resources to protect their health.
Tapti Talks: Romanticize Life! Managing Opinion Editor Tapti Sen ’25 asserts that the value of romanticization should not be understated, despite valid criticisms of “the aesthetic.”
What Does it Mean to be a Republican? Staff Podcaster Aaron Holton ’25 argues that the Republican party in its current iteration betrays American values, and calls for a defense of constitutional ideals.
Affirmative Action Was Never the Answer Staff Writer Zane Khiry ’25 reflects on the uneven distribution of affirmative action’s benefits and questions its efficacy in bringing about racial uplift.