Exercises in Thought: I Love Eating in Val!/Eat in Val: It’s good for you. Exercises In Thought Columnists Joe Sweeney ’25 and Tim Carroll ’25 contemplate the pleasures of eating in Val in our post-to-go box era.
Foreign Currents: Crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh Foreign Currents Columnist Cole Warren ’24 calls attention to the ongoing crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh.
Anti-Ableist Amherst: Mark Your Words Assistant Opinion Editor Willow Delp ’26 inspects how ableism, both silent and verbal, plagues Amherst’s campus.
Satire: AAS Candidate Statements Managing News Editor Noor Rahman ’25 pokes fun at AAS candidate statements.
Satire: Valentine Dining Hall Removes Ice Cream Cones Members of the Editorial Board satirize the removal of to-go boxes and to-go cups from Val with an ice-cream-cone protest.
Anti-Ableist Amherst: Disabled Students Deserve a Resource Center In the debut of their column “Anti-Ableist Amherst,” Assistant Opinion Editor Willow Delp ’26 advocates for a disabled/neurodivergent resource center on campus.
Amherst for All: An Equity Problem In the debut of “Amherst for All,” Columnists Tim Carroll ’25 and Zane Khiry ’25 call on the college to reckon with the socioeconomic inequities of admissions.