The American Punch Bowl — Dream Journal: Wednesday, March 29, 2023 Alice Burg ’23 reveals the astral dimension of her cartoon universe.
A Humanities Haven? The Editorial Board considers Amherst’s relationship to and role within the current crisis of the humanities.
Tapti Talks: Name Pronunciation Matters In the inaugural issue of “Tapti Talks,” Managing Opinion Editor Tapti Sen ’25 reflects on the alienation of having her “foreign” name fumbled, and urges people to take pronunciation more seriously.
Chromatic Chaos: Like a Rainbow, Noises Can Be Colorful Find white noise more irritating than soothing? Staff Writer Pho Vu ’23 breaks down the ambient noise spectrum and each hue’s benefits for sleep, wellness, and productivity.
Amherst Needs to Pay Up Staff Writer Zane Khiry ’25 argues that Amherst’s failure to live up to its mission of public service obligates the college to contribute more money to the town.
Having Cancer at Amherst College Contributing Writer Spencer Williams ’24 recounts his experience receiving a rare brain cancer diagnosis in 2021.
Litterbug: Wednesday, Mar. 8, 2023 Litterbug Cartoonist Quinn Nelson ’25 digests a pair of buildings in her own peculiar way.