The American Punch Bowl — Walk: Wednesday, March 8, 2023 Cartoonist Alice Burg ’23 downsizes to one masterfully enigmatic panel for this special edition of American Punch Bowl.
The Open Curriculum Isn’t Dead: In Defense of the New Latin Honors Policy Contributing Writer Zane Khiry ’25 defends the new Latin honors policy, contending that some students’ concerns are exaggerated.
Fizz Should Go Flat The Editorial Board emphasizes the dangers of Fizz — a new, anonymous social app — underscoring its questionable policies and the way it detracts from productive discourse on campus.
Celebrating International Writers’ Day: Editors Deserve A Day for Themselves Looking forward to International Writers’ Day on March 3, Staff Writer Pho Vu ’23 urges us to not forget about the editors in our lives, who bring out the expressive potential of our writing.
AHA! The Not-So-Shocking Truth That Every Arts and Humanities Major Wishes You Knew Managing Photo Editor Claire Beougher ’26 reflects on her experience at the new J-Term program, Arts and Humanities in Action, which seeks to dispel the myth that these majors are unprofitable.
Litterbug: Wednesday, Mar. 1, 2023 Cartoonist Quinn Nelson ’25 returns from a mid-semester bicycle expedition with quite the wintertime tale.
Why I Don’t Wear Seatbelts Managing Opinion Editor Tapti Sen ’25 reflects on her indifference to seatbelts, and its unexpected role in preserving her cultural identity as a Bangladeshi in America.