The American Punch Bowl Trade Deck: Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2023 American Punch Bowl cartoonist Alice Burg ’23 follows up with a new set of trading cards, hot off the press!
Add/Flop Cartoonist and Staff Podcaster Miles Garcia ’25 reminisces on the difficulties of juggling classes during the Add-Drop period.
The Market Logic of Mental Health Contributing writer Gabe Proia ’25 draws from his own experiences to explain how the capitalistic ethic of productivity perpetuates today’s mental health crises.
Where Does Your Amherst Sweatshirt Come From? Contributing writer Nora Lowe ’26 investigates the sourcing of Amherst merchandise and its degree of sustainability, suggesting that school spirit can be expressed without reliance on material items.
The AAS Is Changing for the Better — Will Students? The Editorial Board calls on students to match the productive changes the AAS is making with democratic enthusiasm, in order to make this spring a fresh start for student government.
The American Punch Bowl Trade Deck: Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2023 The American Punch Bowl cartoonist Alice Burg ’23 kicks off the semester with a fresh set of absurd trading cards, hot off the presses!
Exit Letter: An Unforgettable Journey For her last issue serving as editor-in-chief of The Student, Yee-Lynn Lee ’23 walks through the two and a half years she’s spent on the paper, and the meaning that it has had for her at each step.