Coping With Campus: Style Over Substance Managing Opinion Editor Dustin Copeland ’25 discusses the potential impact of the pandemic on the future of architecture, which he hopes is full of love and ventilation.
Rants and Raves: Crunchy Mom Hates Sumo Oranges In the debut installment of the new series “Rants and Raves,” Managing Opinion Editor Kei Lim ’25 points out the offensive undertones of the phrase “no offense.”
Secret Admirer Cartoonist Emi Eliason ’23 satirizes the impact of the financial aid process on students.
Red Herring: Snow Day Red Herring Cartoonist Isaac Streiff ’24 comments on how students usually spend their snow days.
A Better Amherst: A ‘New Curriculum’ Tessa Levenstein ’23 and Mason Quintero ’23 advocate for more service-oriented learning at the college, arguing for community to become a central tenet of an Amherst education.
To Support Ukrainian Students, Support Ukraine The Editorial Board urges the college community to support its Ukrainian students by supporting Ukraine itself.
Seeing Double: Reflections on Amherst Activism Seeing Double Columnists Cole Graber-Mitchell ’22 and Thomas Brodey ’22 discuss what it means to participate in activism.