Satire: What to Know About the Winter Olympics Andrew Rosin ’25 presents a non-comprehensive guide to understanding the Winter Olympic Games.
Preventing Sexual Misconduct The Editorial Board discusses @amherstshareyourstory and the value of the accounts shared by students, while considering the difficulty, but necessity, of creating change.
How Structural Differences Disadvantage International Students Contributing writer Isaiah Doble ‘25 details a set of deep discrepancies between the experiences of domestic and international students, drawing from conversations and interviews conducted over the past semester.
Coping With Campus: The Isolationism of the Quad In the first installment of his column, Coping With Campus, Managing Opinion Editor Dustin Copeland ’25 takes a brief look at the quadrangle as a tool in the myth-building of “college life.”
Seeing Double: Amherst’s Diversity Mirage Seeing Double columnist Thomas Brodey ‘22 argues that Amherst’s commitment to diversity is meaningless without the application of a fuller definition of the word.
Difficulty Over Artistry: The Evolution of Women's Figure Skating In anticipation of forthcoming Olympic events, contributing writer Olivia Lynch ‘25 explores the effect that changes in the scoring system have had on competitive figure skating.
Wordle for Credit Cartoonist Emi Eliason ’23 satirizes the rise of Wordle as a potential avenue for college credit.