10 Songs That Will Surely Get You Through That Mid-Semester Slump

Everyone has that one song that keeps them going during this time of the year. Whether it be a Top 40 hit or simply a song you have loved for years now, we all know the feeling of popping in your headphones and cranking up the volume of your favorite song. It’s pure bliss! But what if you had an entire playlist of songs that are sure to make your busy day just a little bit better? Look no further; I’ve got the playlist for you!
“Cold Water”, Major Lazer, MO and Justin Bieber: “If you feel you’re sinking I will jump right over into cold, cold water for you,” Justin Bieber croons during the chorus of this Top 40 hit. If you’re anything like me, the prospect of Justin Bieber doing anything is enough to brighten your day. If you aren’t like me, well at least you’ve probably heard the song enough times at this point to be able to sing along.
“24K Magic”, Bruno Mars: This song just came out, but it’s already at the top of my list of best songs of 2016. Bruno Mars is finally making a return after the success of 2015’s “Uptown Funk,” and he’s even better now! Though the lyrics aren’t quite as poetic as they could be, this song is such a banger that you’ll be dancing within 10 seconds of turning it on.
“F*ck With Myself”, Banks: You may have never heard of this song or artist, but even so, you’ll love this song when you’re in need of a little confidence. “I f*ck with myself more than anybody else” are the words to this song’s chorus. Coupled with a cool, electronic background, this song is perfect for those moments when you feel like everyone is against you.
“Bang Bang Bang”, Big Bang: If you haven’t yet delved into the K-Pop world, I understand if you’re hesitant to start now. However, this song is perfect to get your energy up on those extremely difficult days, when everything just seems to drag on and on. You may not be able to understand the lyrics to Bang Bang Bang, but everyone dances in the same language!
“Kiss It Better”, Rihanna: “ANTI” is one of my top albums of 2016, and Kiss It Better is definitely one of my favorite songs off of the album. With the beginning guitar riffs, and admittedly sexy message it gives off, what’s not to love? Also, what playlist is complete without at least one Rihanna entry?
“Stone Cold”, Demi Lovato: Sometimes you just want to wallow in your sadness and that’s okay. Technically, Demi Lovato’s “Stone Cold” is the tale of a relationship that once was, but is no longer, so it may not be completely applicable to your life. (#ForeverAlone) Even though you may not completely relate, you’ll probably be choking up by the end of the son or at the very least belting your little heart out. Either way, you’ll get some pent up emotions out just in time to cram for that next test.
“Gold”, Kiiara: I’m still not sold on that fact that most lyric sites say that this song’s chorus is saying: “Roof is falling let me love me falling I just know.” It’s just a little too unbelievable for me. Even so, this song is groovy and therefore perfect for putting a little pep in your step as you walk across campus to your classes or Val.
“Ain’t Nobody”, Chaka Khan: It may not be relatable to everyone, but this song always reminds me of my mom. She always talks about Chaka Khan, and even does a great impression. My point here though is to include a song in your playlist that reminds you of home or your life before college in some way. It will remind you of simpler times. You know, before you had two exams and a paper all due in the same week.
“Woods”, Bon Iver: This song is perfect for when you just need to clear your head, go on a walk, perhaps to the bike trail and listen to this haunting track. Not only will it help you de-stress, but you’ll be getting some exercise too.
“Work”, Rihanna feat. Drake: You didn’t think you could get away without doing work, did you? No, but in all seriousness, even though it seems like the work is endless remember that the weekend will come, the breaks will come and eventually graduation will come and you will have to get a job. So savor the homework while you can, before the real work begins.
So there you have it, 10 songs to get you through the mid-semester slump. Although I should give a disclaimer, none of this is actually proven to help you in any way … at the very most it will only help you waste more time as you search and listen to all of these songs. What can I say, though? I’m no expert.
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