Program Board Excels

Just to introduce myself: I’m a Class of 2015 Senator, and one of my jobs within the AAS is being the AAS Representative to the Program Board. I barely remember being elected to be the representative to the Program Board. To be honest I knew next to nothing about what the Program Board did. I didn’t know anyone on there or what Spring Concert was like.
Program Board has done a lot of things since I’ve joined, outside of Spring Concert work. They’ve actually had twice as much programming as last year with doubled attendance: Screen on the Green, GrooveBoston, Study Break Nights in Keefe, Hypnotist, Design Your Own Homecoming T-shirt, Homecoming Tailgating (first time), Halloween, Fall Festival (which Program Board contributed to, in addition to other AC After Dark events), Casino Night and in the future — Spring Concert itself, with possibly the best artist to ever play here: Ludacris.
This year, Program Board became the focus of unpopularity. I believe the cause of this was a mix of miscommunication (misunderstanding that maybe there was not going to be a Spring Concert at all) and factors outside the school’s control (Coachella being on the same day, arbitrary artist price changes, etc), rather than the fault of Program Board itself. Indeed, it was the same Program Board that hounded agents daily and overcame Amherst’s small-school challenges that got Ludacris.
Indeed, even while preparing for the upcoming concert, Program Board is already looking forward to next year.
We’ve been exploring new ideas to make next year even better: setting our deadline/artist search earlier in the year, to hopefully have the artist contracted by the end of the fall semester; having the coming fall semester programming agenda in place before the end of this semester; streamlining communication and transparency to the AAS and the student body at large.
One important priority I want to emphasize here is recruitment — if you’re at all interested in Spring Concert or school programming events, please consider attending a meeting.
If you are at all interested in Spring Concert or any of what Program Board does, we would love your input! Our meetings are Mondays at 7:30 p.m. in Keefe 203.
If you have not yet gotten your Spring Concert ticket, please pick one up in Keefe this week between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. This week only, so please get your ticket!
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