Big Stick Energy — Breaking The Ice: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 Cartoonist Miles Garcia ’25 pokes fun at freshman orientation rites of passage.
On the Educational Value of Diversity In the wake of a Supreme Court decision banning affirmative action, the college’s faculty argue that diversity is crucial for education, in a letter signed by 144 faculty members.
To-Go Boxes Can’t Go While sympathizing with their cost and waste concerns, The Editorial Board argues that the administration should have made a more nuanced decision than simply getting rid of to-go boxes, which enable students to meet their personal dining needs.
International Students Deserve Space on This Campus Managing Opinion Editor Tapti Sen ’25 and Contributing Writer Snigdha Ranjan ’25 critique the marginalization of international students on campus and urge for more solidarity with domestic students of color.
Alex Says Arrividerci Former Managing Arts and Living Editor Alex Brandfonbrener ’23 reflects on his journey through The Student and says goodbye in one final article.
The Bathrooms of Amherst Managing Photo Editor Claire Beougher ’26 and DEI Editor Erin Williams ’26 provide a colorful survey of the idiosyncracies of various bathrooms across campus.
Career Support Advice from Two Seniors On the eve of their graduation, Contributing Writers Ryan Kyle ’23 and Anna Hogarth ’23 reflect on the career exploration resources they wish they’d utilized sooner.