The American Punch Bowl Trade Deck: Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2023 American Punch Bowl cartoonist Alice Burg ’23 has scribbled out another cryptic quartet of cards!
Litterbug: Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2023 Cartoonist Quinn Nelson ’25 debuts “Litterbug,” a graphic documentation of the friendly faces and charming sideshows along Norwottuck Rail Trail.
The Quiet Death of the Open Curriculum In response to the new Latin honors policy, Contributing Writer Sophie Durbin ’25 argues that the breadth requirement will undermine the strengths of the open curriculum.
Silent Indifference: Amherst's Response to a Tragedy Managing Arts & Living Editor Noor Rahman ’25 expresses anger and disappointment at the campus’ failure to acknowledge the humanitarian crisis caused by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, arguing that it reveals Amherst’s implicit bias.
ChatGPT’s Apocalypse Already Happened Amidst the national frenzy around the generative AI ChatGPT, Editor-in-Chief Sam Spratford ’24 argues that the panic in popular media is misdirected.
To Honor the Open Curriculum While recognizing the importance of an interdisciplinary education, The Editorial Board believes the breadth requirements in the new Latin honors policy will cause more harm than good to Amherst’s academic environment.
Val for Pal: How To Maintain Your Long-distance Friendship This Valentine’s Day, Staff Writer Pho Vu ’23 offers advice on cultivating worldwide friendships based on her experience as an international student.