Standing Against AAPI Erasure Contributing writers Karen Lee ’25 and Eleanor Lee ’25 call for solidarity in the fight for A/P/A studies and against the erasure of the work of AAPI student activists.
Title IX Blind: How Amherst Mishandles Sexual Misconduct Contributing writer Jared Kim ’23 protests the college’s attitude toward sexual misconduct on campus, urging the college to stop its over-reliance on the Title IX office and create a true culture of care for survivors.
Go Plant-based: For Yourself, for the Environment, for the Animals Contributing writer Tim Carroll ’25 outlines the tangible reasons and ethical philosophies of why we should convert to plant-based diets.
Seeing Double: Tradition, Tradition! Seeing Double Columnist Cole Graber-Mitchell ’22 reflects on his four years at Amherst, concluding his last solo column with a claim that the college is in need of more student traditions.
Rants and Raves: Stop Whining About Amherst Dining Columnist Thomas Brodey ’22 claims that Amherst students should discard their privileged complaints about Val food in favor of more substantial topics of conversation.
In Students We Trust The Editorial Board questions the Board of Trustees’ authority in the recent campus safety decision, calling for the prioritization of student experience and a more collaborative process for making decisions regarding campus life.
Seeing Double: Escaping the Rat Race Seeing Double Columnist Thomas Brodey ’22 discusses pressure for career advancement, noting that it is in fact possible to romanticize the mundane.