The Inherent Ableism of Calls for Normalcy Contributing writer Charlie Niedert ’23 defends the administration’s seemingly harsh Covid policies, demanding students consider the ways their actions affect those most at risk: the immuno-compromised.
Seeing Double: Pay Up, Profs Seeing Double columnist Cole Graber-Mitchell ’22 reveals the system of unpaid student labor underpinning much of the research that takes place on campus, and asks students and faculty to build a better system by ending unpaid research positions.
Introducing the Association of Amherst Students The Association of Amherst Students introduces itself to new members of the community, soliciting feedback and community involvement in its current and upcoming projects.
We Must Think Beyond Ourselves Contributing writer Tara Alahakoon ’25 reminds us of the disparity of the pandemic’s effects on different global regions, calling the administration to consider providing greater financial aid to students whose hometowns have been disproportionately affected.
Red Herring: Age of Arthropods Red Herring cartoonist Isaac Streiff ’24 comments on the impacts of climate change on beloved animals like the tree frog, and expects a planet covered in arthropods if we continue to degrade the climate at the same rate.
Size Matters This week, the Editorial Board addresses the issues that over-enrollment imposes on students’ academic experiences and calls for the expansion of resources and infrastructure in preparation for a broader student population.
Seeing Double: Seizing the Silver Lining Seeing Double columnist Thomas Brodey ’22 spotlights the potential positive byproducts of climate change and argues that it is necessary to shift our perspectives, adjusting to the changing realities of our lives.