Website of the Week

Working on the newspaper, I know as well as anyone the importance of extensions. But, what if you have a problem set due tomorrow and, instead of writing your paper, you decide to participate in a Beirut tournament in Valentine? Now with the “extensionmatic,” your buzz should not affect your ability to beg; the begging has now been automated.

With a simple set of drop-down menus, you can customize the extensionmatic’s letter to your own style. Best of all, extensionmatic will even send the email for you! Don’t quite know the appropriate way to make your request? Try “I realize that [date] was the autocratically-designated due date, but I can’t be ready by then. You see, I’m kinda busy…aw hell, I just want an excuse to drink, which means that I simply won’t have a chance to finish your assignment, not at all. Sniff sniff, what a pity.”

The extensionmatic also has the student’s best interest in mind with such closing remarks as “I also want to say that, you know, this will be the last extension I ask for! I’ll never forget this,” thus maintaining good relations between you and your professor if you need to call in a favor later.