Class of 2026 Arrives on Campus The class of 2026, Amherst's 204th class, arrived on campus last week. Despite a false active shooter alert and some continued Covid restrictions, this year's orientation was the most normal since the fall of 2019.
False Active Shooter Alerts Rattle Campus on First-year Move-in Day False AC Alerts warning of a possible active shooter on campus were sent out on the afternoon of Aug. 26, first-year move-in day, inciting panic across the college community. The incident was caused by one of the college’s software vendors conducting maintenance on their system.
Jiajia Zhang: Teaching, Telling, Painting Asian American History While Jiajia Zhang is on her way to becoming an Asian American studies scholar, her life has encompassed so much more: art, activism, and even social media management for a Belarusian rock band.
Students Rally for Reproductive Justice Following Leaked Supreme Court Opinion At 2 p.m. on Thursday, May 5, approximately 400 Amherst college students participated in a class walkout and protest on the Amherst Town Common in response to a leaked Supreme Court draft opinion poised to overturn the 1973 landmark decision Roe v. Wade.
Men’s, Women’s Tennis Fall in NESCAC Semifinals Playing at home in the first round of the NESCAC tournament, the men’s and women’s tennis teams advanced to the semifinals with victories over No. 9 Bowdoin and No. 13 Williams, respectively. In the second round the women lost a close match to Wesleyan while the men were routed 5-0.
Women’s Golf Wins NESCAC Championship, Men Fifth Playing at their home course, the Amherst women’s golf team won their first-ever NESCAC Championship this past weekend. Dominant play over two rounds earned an emphatic 11-shot victory and a trip to the Division III National Championship in Houston, Texas. The men’s team finished fifth of 10.
Men 1-1, Women 2-1 in Last Week of Regular Season After five combined matches this past weekend, the men’s and women’s tennis teams have completed their regular season. In conference play, both teams swept Bates but lost to Tufts. The women’s team also lost a tough match to MIT.