Film Society x The Student: “House” Contributing Writer Caden Stockwell ’25 reviews cult-classic horror film “House,” which played recently at Amherst Cinema. He praises its juxtaposition of childlike wonder and atomic terror.
American Repertory Shines in ASO Semester Debut This past Saturday, the Amherst Symphony Orchestra made its season debut with the newest members of ASO and a piece featuring President Michael Elliott.
The Indicator x The Student: “Hymn” Originally published in the Spring 2023 edition of “The Indicator,” this poem by Managing Features Editor Eleanor Walsh ’25 was inspired by Dean Young’s “Belief in Magic.”
The Indicator x The Student: “প্রণাম (Blessings)” Managing Opinion Editor Tapti Sen ’25 reckons with the act of kneeling in this poem originally published in the Spring 2023 edition of “The Indicator."
The Singing College Shines at A Cappella Showcase Managing Arts and Living Editor Madeline Lawson ’25 reviews the diverse performances of Amherst’s six a cappella groups at their first showcase of the year.
“Boundless” Spotlights Native American Art “Boundless,” a multimedia Native American art exhibition, is now on display at the Mead Art Museum. Staff Writer Tiia McKinney ’25 reports on her experience navigating the space, the gallery’s development, and the featured artworks.
Bottoms Up (Reviews Down?) Managing Arts and Living Editor Sarah Weiner ’24 and Assistant Arts and Living Editor Sophie Durbin ’25 offer their opposing takes on the crass humor and familiar tropes of queer teen release “Bottoms.”