The Indicator x The Student: “Illusioned” Originally published in the Spring 2023 issue of The Indicator, Pauline Bissell ’25 writes about reimaginings of everyday life in “Illusioned.”
BIPOC Creatives: Mel Arthur ’25 In the inaugural edition of her column “Asking BIPOC Creatives,” Managing Arts & Living Editor Mackenzie Dunson ’25 interviews poet Mel Arthur ’25.
Transformative and Connective: Visiting Writer Danielle Vogel Cross-genre poet Danielle Vogel visited Amherst as part of the English Department’s Visiting Writers Series. Abby Kim ’27 covers her reading and conversation about her unbounded poetry.
The Lilac x The Student: “A Walk in the Park” In a piece written by Imani Gunnison ’24 for the Spring 2023 edition of “The Lilac,” the speaker reflects on the experience of sitting under the sun.
The Indicator x The Student: “Salted” Karen Lee ’25 entwines imagery of water and earth in a poem originally published in the Spring 2023 edition of The Indicator.
The Indicator x The Student: “Remembering infinity (maybe)” Originally published in the Spring 2023 edition of The Indicator, Caelen McQuilkin ’24E explores identity through the lens of childhood nostalgia.
The Lilac x The Student: “First Summer’s Rain (In An Old Apartment)” Fahim Zaman ’25 recalls an old apartment in a poem originally published in the Spring 2023 edition of The Lilac.