Film Society x The Student: “Horror Rewind” Series After the conclusion of Amherst College Film Society’s “Horror Rewind” series, Contributing Writer Mila Missaki Gomes ’27 compares each film and the haunting effects that they had on the audience.
The Green Room’s “Amherst Psycho” Kills at Premiere The Green Room presented their original play “Amherst Psycho” last Friday. Managing Arts & Living Editor Sophie Durbin ’25 reviews the play, appreciating its humor and collegiate commentary.
Choral Society Performs Family Weekend Concert The Choral Society performed their annual Family Weekend concert this past Saturday. It featured spooky pieces, rousing songs, and even an opportunity for alumni to join in.
ASO’s “Profiles in Courage” Continues with MLK Tribute The Amherst Symphony Orchestra played their second show of the semester this weekend, memorializing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as part of their “Profiles in Courage” series. Contributing Writing Mila Massaki Gomes ’27 recaps the performance.
The Singing College Shines at A Cappella Showcase Managing Arts and Living Editor Madeline Lawson ’25 reviews the diverse performances of Amherst’s six a cappella groups at their first showcase of the year.
“Boundless” Spotlights Native American Art “Boundless,” a multimedia Native American art exhibition, is now on display at the Mead Art Museum. Staff Writer Tiia McKinney ’25 reports on her experience navigating the space, the gallery’s development, and the featured artworks.
Performances, Poetry, and Prose: Amherst’s Creative Groups There are so many creative groups on campus, it can be hard to know what’s happening. Managing Arts and Living Editor Madeline Lawson ’25 introduces some of Amherst’s student arts groups in preparation for this Saturday’s Get Involved Fair.